Year 1 Mrs Douglas
The strong foundations developed in our Early Years Department continue in Year 1 as self-confidence and a well-balanced approach to life continues to be promoted. The children have the opportunity to explore a range of engaging and exciting learning experiences through a rigorous and creative curriculum. The children engage in a range of activities that are stimulating and challenging through carefully chosen themes such as ‘Earth Art’ and ‘Intrepid Explorers.’
In Year 1 a well-rounded reading and writing programme underpins the core development of literacy. A structured programme of phonics is delivered daily to small groups and at levels appropriate to individual children.
The mathematics curriculum offers an engaging combination of scheme work, topic-based activities and problem solving. The children continue to develop their recall of mental maths facts begin to make connections between numbers and apply their numeracy skills across the curriculum.
As in the Early Years Foundation Stage, specialist teaching continues in Music, Spanish and P.E.
The children are extremely proud of their achievements and their successes, efforts and endeavours are celebrated by all.
‘I love to write stories'

Mrs Douglas
Junior / Year 1 Mrs Douglas
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