Year 4 Miss Coulson
In Year 4 learning through varied, creative and exciting experiences is the order of the day, with many of the topics having cross-curricular links. History focuses on the invasion and subsequent settlement of England by the Saxons, and of Scotland by the Gaels, life under Viking rule and how the Second World War affected life in the local area. Geography focuses on coastal investigations and the human impact on different localities and the environment. The children have the opportunity to complete Bikeability training in the Michaelmas and Summer terms.
Whilst most of the curriculum continues to be taught by the form tutors, Music, Spanish and P.E. are taught by specialist teachers.
Providing opportunities for creative learning outside the classroom environment is a valuable experience, and whilst making use of our beautiful school grounds and woodland, the children also venture out on several field trips and visits over the course of the year to link in with their studies. These visits include a residential visit to Boggle Hole in North Yorkshire, local beaches and The Hirsel. The children also have opportunities to learn from visitors coming to the school to share their experiences.

Miss Coulson
Junior / Year 4 Miss Coulson
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