Welcome to Senior

The Senior School is a crucible of learning and personal development. Our pupils face many challenges and our strong pastoral care helps nurture and guide them through these formative years. All pupils belong to a tutor group and this gives opportunity for discussion with pupils and parents to inform and agree targets to complement our termly formal reporting.
The transition from the Junior Department is more comfortable here; there is familiarity in the buildings, facilities, and staff and school routines are already known. It is, nevertheless, a big step and we ensure that our pupils are welcomed sensitively and positively into their new classes and their new timetable.
Our small class sizes, and quality subject-specialist teaching provide an environment which allows pupils to progress at a speed which is best suited to their individual needs, but also enables the teacher to set challenges to further engage and encourage each pupil.
At Longridge, we provide a program of varied and exciting Life Skills opportunities. Pupils enjoy trying out new crafts, or cycling safety, robotics, design and technology to name but a few. These additional enrichments are all fun, but they also positively influence the development of important skills such as communication, planning, teamwork and evaluating.
As they move through the Senior School, we encourage our pupils to become increasingly independent, supporting them through GCSE choices and career paths, so that by the time they move into the Sixth Form, they are well prepared for the next stage of their lives.
Senior / Welcome to Senior
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