Careers Education and Guidance
Careers education during these years is taught as part of the PSHE programme with pupils focusing on skills and attributes. In Form 1, students will identify personal dreams and goals and consider skills for the 21st century workplace. In Form 2, pupils look at short – medium – and long-term goals alongside employability skills. Form 3 will identify personal strengths and weaknesses and use SMART planning in relation to career choices.
In Form 4, pupils will have a series of lessons focusing on career paths and the necessary skills required in the workplace. Work experience is also a key component of Form 4, with pupils arranging a one-week work placement during the summer term.
Pupils in Form 5 will undergo a series of tests through to identify areas of strengths and interest, before recommending suitable careers and jobs. This will also include and in-depth individual interview with an external advisor to consider careers paths and A’ Level choices. Lessons will consider university options, apprenticeships and gap years as well as considering CV writing, interview skills and personal financial skills. Pupils are also encouraged to engage in further work experience during the school holidays.
The careers programme in the Sixth Form takes a more individual approach in supporting pupils to make appropriate choices regarding their future options and career paths. The Lower Sixth will attend a UCAS conference in Newcastle and also receive a follow-up interview with an independent advisor to support them with their decision making and planning. The Sixth Form tutor team support pupils with UCAS applications and pupils can attend specific UCAS enrichments. Mock interviews are arranged for any students who will undergo interviews as part of UCAS applications, apprenticeships or applying for jobs. Pupils are also encouraged to engage in further work experience during the school holidays.

Senior / Careers Education and Guidance
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